Good Sleep makes you Healthy

A good sleep is must for healthy mind and body. Both men and women work much throughout the day and in the night, they need  good sleep to make themselves fit for the next day's task.

Feeling lazy due to sleepless night might hamper your productivity and that is also not good for your health.

Taking small nap in every interval for twenty to twenty five minuted are considered as very good for health.

to sleep

Taking complete rest during night is must of everyone, go realty to bet have sound sleep. That will make you feel very comfortable.

There are many good sleeping positions for a good health, but it would be very good if you've having routine habit of sleeping in a particular position.

Never change, since it may lead you to have sleepless night or sleeping disorder (somnipathy). There are may other tips you can follow to have good sleep in night.

Take some the best tips that you feel you can work on to sleep well in night like, keep your mobile away from you bed, try to feel relax on bed, not to count the days activities, having pleasant music at low volume in you bedroom and a good chat with members before go to bed.

Try to have good sleep everyday, and stay fit.


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