
Showing posts from September, 2012

Educational Reforms: Need of the Hour

Since the last thirty years, India has transformed itself in an unbelievable way. The thinking and behavior pattern of the people has changed, political system has undergone changes, and technology wise there have been huge changes. But hardly there have been any changes and reforms in the educational department. Except for the more private institutions, offering computer related and Ites courses. Educational system should change according to the need of the students and circumstances existing today. There are criticisms from all sections of the people and from the people from outside countries, that. Indian students are less in standard when compared to students of other countries. It is because, they cannot answer the same question, if put in another way. They are simply trained to mug up the answers and write them in the examination, there is no scope for them to contemplate and innovate or question. This is where the students and the Indian educational system is lagging behind...

Rules & Regulation Breed Corruption

Rules and regulations are framed, so as to enable, the work to be done in an orderly fashion and everything is in accordance with law and to see that no illegal activity is there. Rules and regulations should be short and crisp, straight fulfilling the purpose that they are meant for. But, when they are complicated, and become too much. The very purpose, for which they were meant, is destroyed. Rules and regulations, by themselves do not breed corruption. The people who are supposed to carry out the duties, and are responsible to see that everything is in order are the ones who are responsible for it. Too much of anything is good for nothing that applies here aptly. Too much and fussy, interrelated rules and regulations, make it difficult, for the task to be accomplished, early. So, there is a delay, so to overcome that delay and to finish the work early, they demand bribe and this breeds corruption. So, there should be minimum rules and regulations that need t...

Managerial skills learnt in the classroom can never match those learnt from experience

Yes, because in real life, there are no fixed situations, and set of rules to be followed. Each and every moment, in life is new, every person you encounter in work is new, every situation is new, and you have to respond according to the time and the situation. So, the experience you gain from real life, can in no way be compared to managerial skills learnt in class room. Managerial skills learnt in the class room, give us an idea, as to how the real life situations will be, and how to face them. Even these skill just don’t come from nowhere, they are also some persons experience. Those are also the lessons learnt from the practical experience of some person. So, even they have some value. The skills that are taught to all the students are same, but all those persons who have, learn them, don’t work in one place nor with the same persons. Each person encounters, different situations, and different persons. And nowhere in the world do we have a fixed set of skills to handle ever...

Is the Customer Really the King?

Definitely yes, when compared to previous years or old days, I believe definitely customer is the king now a days. Because he has a wide range to choose from. In the previous days, products were less, and there were fewer companies offering qualitative products, the consumers hardly had any choice, but to purchase them. Now the times are entirely different, you have a huge range to choose from, right from the foot path stuff to branded products, you have products available, in various prices, each suitable to the various consumers needs and budget. Now a day’s right from the soap, we use to the jewelry, there are various kinds available in the market, each suitable to the needs of the particular class of consumers. In fact many of the products or almost all the products are designed and manufactured keeping in view the needs of a particular class of customers. So, it is up to the customer to choose, what kind of products he want to purchase and in what range and quality. ...

How should common man Deal with inflation, rising prices and fixed salary?

This is a kind of question that is making normal man, spend sleepless nights. Never the less, there is a solution for every problem, and there is an answer for every question. The common man has no control over the rising inflation, or over the prices, but there are things which he can do, to stabilize his standard of living and to cope up with, the rising prices. One way definitely is to have control over his expenditure and cut it down to the minimum, and focus more on needs than on wants. The other way is to upgrade himself in his skills, may be by planning to upgrade his skills technical and academics, so that there will be a rise in his position and salary. Or else if education is also a too costly affair, he can upgrade by learning technical skills, according to his capability, so that he can earn some part time income based on those skills. There are many other part time jobs, depending upon, and the technical and educational qualification of a person, which will enable one ...

Hindi Movies Are Harming Our Society

Definitely, movies have huge, influence on the society and its people. Coming to the topic, Hindi movies are harming our society. The scenario has definitely changed from, descent films or from family movies to masala films or pure commercial pictures, where there is more scope for exposure, than for acting talent, and heroines or lady characters have been portrayed as mere entertaining objects or pleasure objects. This is a very regretting change, commercial aspect should be there in cinemas, but not to the extent that it dominates everything else. And this kind of mentality is resulting in the production or making of movies that we are watching now. These pictures definitely affect the thinking of the people, especially the younger generation, the tempting and lustful scenes that are shown in the pictures, and all in the name of love, really have a very bad influence on the people who watch them. Films should be entertaining, and people can be entertained with clean pictures, not...