
Showing posts from March, 2014

Is it possible to measure stress level?

The word stress is enough to narrate the position of a person having with. Medically, there may be some tools to measure the stress level, but in manually one could measure the level. For that no need to huge tools or knowledge about the anything. The stress in your mind is enough to have impact on your daily life too. Maximum stress, the person would look dull and might not be much social in his or her circle. What could be a great than having a life that is free from stress? In day-to-day life, we often follow the things for getting things done and push ourselves to beyond the limit of our capacity and the result by the day end is STRESS. In sounds odd but true, most of us do know the result prior to having the work or accomplishing the task. We know what would happen if we fail, still our mind would not allow us to relax and free from stress level, right? Next time you think about stress, please do think about the actions we do that result the rise or decrease in the stress lev...

Everyday is Not Same

Many might not be keeping in mind that what they have learn from the day that passed by from the life, but do some. In everyday life, we don't remembers simple and small things but they do matter much in the life while dealing with all the situations. For instance, if you had witnessed the same trouble alike once  in the other day in your life, then it could be easy for you to tackle it full confidently. Why not to take the challenges we face everyday, here I've referred everyday mean the problem might strike again if happened once in our life. No, not at all I'm telling about the problems only, there are many more happy incidents and those may repeat again. Since we do think and concern about many negative things so its obvious that we do count the negative first there, right? The aim of the post is to say  that everyday is not same but problems may be. Well be prepared not have panic since you had once faced the problem and not this one for the first time. ...