Be Happy Always! Right?
Being happy is the best thing in life, and its also the biggest factor to turn on. Yes, there could be many situation in the life, which are very hard to forget and cope with the present life.
It is very easy to counsel and give suggestions on sensitive issues, but to follow self, when it demands.
Most the people you meet are good at giving advice and suggestions, when you counter them about their experience in handling such situation, you'll come to that they are also alike you.
Best thing in life is the be happy, that all knows. But how, no body knows, because their life is different from one another.
Problems are different, so as the solutions. One particular solution may not be applicable for the another problem.
Beauty of life lies in the problems, if there would no problems then one would be able to measure the happiness is in life.
Life is full of colors like rainbow, any particular color may cause sorrow not all. And out all the colors in your life you like one the most, that is true.
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