life is a difficult exam
Life is not easy as you think of others living a good or royal life. In fact, every one in this world has been going through various test in life - just to say in one sentence - life is a difficult exam. When we do refer life to exam, it is obvious that it would be difficult one. And the term exam would lose its glory if it is not difficult. Life is a difficult exam for all not only you as our are in trouble you feel. Whether it may be a rich person or poor, their life is too difficult for them. And other perception about the life might not a good fit as example for your life. When you think that life is not smooth, then your exam time has been started. Never look back what you did that caused the present scenario, rather one should focus on the present time and current exiting hurdles in life. Most of the people do refer to their past happening and waste time in counting those. Not not that you should not but it should not again affect your life since once it already stru...